What Adoption Means
Adoption refers to the act by which an adult formally becomes the guardian of a child and incurs the rights and responsibilities of a parent. At the conclusion of the formal process, a legal relationship between child and guardian will have formed. The legal relationship results in the adoptee becoming the legal heir of the adopter and terminates any legal rights then in existence with the natural parents.
While certain jurisdictions only permit one of the two types of adoptions, other jurisdictions recognize two types of adoptions – open and closed adoptions. An open adoption permits the birth mother to select her child’s adoptive parents. A closed adoption, meanwhile, results in the birth mother relinquishing all rights over the child and allows a state administrative agency to conduct the selection process. Some jurisdictions also permit the parents in an open adoption to maintain their visitation and contact rights.
I will work with diligence to make sure your adoption is performed and completed in the most desirable manner. First and foremost, my clients are advised of their rights and options in adoption. I keep abreast of any changes in the law and pending legislation as it relates to adoption. Once clear on what their rights and options are, clients can have more confidence in the decisions they make.
I understand that the adoption process can be an emotional time for adoptive parents and birth parents alike. At a time when both parties can be feeling especially vulnerable. Attorney's providing adoptive legal services must be sensitive to and familiar with the many issues and complexities inherent in adoption. As such, I make every effort to personally handle my clients' calls in a timely fashion."
Attorney Jo. A. Fabrizio
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No attorney-client relationship is intended to be created by transmission of the information contained herein. Laws vary substantially from state to state. Jo A. Fabrizio, Esq. is licensed to practice in the State of New York. Readers of this site should always consult with knowledgeable counsel licensed to practice in their own state with respect to their specific legal needs. Transmission of a request for information via e-mail does not create the attorney-client relationship. In constructing this website, every endeavor has been made to comply with all known legal and ethical requirements.

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